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Kaunas St. George the Martyr Church
Kaunas Old Town
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Kaunas St. George the Martyr Church
© Audrius Mielkus
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Having entered the Confluence Park, the steps slow down naturally and the eyes begin searching for the magnificent historic buildings: Kaunas Castle, Kaunas Bernardine Monastery and St. George the Martyr Church. The buildings that have embellished Kaunas for more than 500 years are some of the most beautiful examples of Gothic style architecture. The main focus is on St. George the Martyr Church and one questions what history is hidden behind its door and that of Kaunas Bernardine Monastery.

We would have the possibility to enjoy the ensembles of the Bernardine Monasteries in Lithuania but for Franscis observers arriving to Lithuanian vicinities from Krakow in 1469 at invitation of Kazimieras Jogailaitis. Two years later, the first cornerstone was placed for the Bernardine Monastery and St. George Church were placed in Kaunas. The cornerstone of the Church of St. George and there commenced a construction that continued for more than a decade.

The history of the monks and this sacred ensemble of Kaunas has been tortuous. Although there were 22 Bernardine Monks serving in the monastery in 1522, following the prosperous period of the Protestant Reformation, only one remained in Kaunas. However, after several centuries, the Bernardine community has grown. Thanks to these monks in the 18th century Kaunas became a well-known study centre. When Bernardines established a school, students moved to Kaunas to study philosophy. Unfortunately, in 1812 the monastery was ravaged by Napoleon’s soldiers, the long kept library and other valuable items disappeared in flames, and after 30 years the Czarist administration of Russia abolished the abbey. The remaining drop of spirituality finally disappeared after nationalisation of the buildings by the Soviet government. The Latin words on the Great Altar will always remind about this event: "The Lord left this temple on March 5, 1950. "

Not only the hand of the government hindered the Bernardines from living in Kaunas. For many centuries, various disasters kept on stalking the monastery and St. George the Martyr Church. However, the rapid restoration of the ensemble witnessed not only the spirituality of the Bernardines, but also the attention of the city dwellers. Although the buildings were destroyed by both fires and fierce wars, the monastery and St. George the Martyr Church would recover and radiate the aura of sacredness: there have always been 8 sanctuary worshiping altars and an organ chorus in wooden galleries in the prayer house.

The wonderful picture does not disappear by closing the door of the Bernardine Monastery. The ensemble heads to the confluence of the two great rivers Neris and Nemunas, which together with the aura of history accompany the people walking further on the path.
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