The bunker on the bank of the Ratnyčia stream will attract the attention of those who want to feel the beauty of nature and the mystery of history. A bunker was built in this place in 1947. partisans Pranas Suraučius-Ąžuolinis, Bronius Kukauskas-Kiškis and Bronius Sinkevičius-Paukštis set it up. They were assisted by Vytautas Sadauskas-Strazdas, who at that time lived legally and joined the partisans only in the spring of the following year. He was the only one who got to see the days of Independence, he shared memories about the construction of the bunker. Four men dug the hole overnight and installed the logs that had been prepared in advance and brought that night. The excavated sand was thrown into the Ratnyčia stream. Far away, around the construction site, trusted people stood guard.
Looking at bunkers, we can divide them according to use, plan, construction. However, in the lips of former partisans, bunkers are still called happy and unhappy (if they were betrayed or they became places of death). This one, which became a refuge for freedom fighters and protected them from the occupiers, should be considered lucky. The aforementioned partisans met their fate in another place. The bunker was rebuilt for the first time in 1997, and for the second time in 2004.