"Sometimes we desire the things that glitter. When we notice it, let’s modestly queue up with the imperfect ones and wait for everything from God .... This is the true sanctity", - these are the words written by Saint Therese, in whose honour Saint Therese of the Child Jesus Church in Raudondvaris was constructed.
The story of this beautiful temple began in the nineteenth century, when Earl Benediktas Tiškevičius, the owner of the Raudondvaris Palace, willing to redeem his sins, made up his mind to construct a church and, set up an eternal resting place for himself and his relatives: a Mausoleum. The different liturgical supplies used in this house of prayer were brought even from France, St. Therese’s homeland. They remained until this day. The sanctuary was decorated by the best masters from Italy, France and Lithuania. The Neobaroque style twin tower church was supplemented by a chapel, a rectory, a hippytown and other structures, and in 1857 the prayer house was consecrated in the name of Raudondvaris. The Bishop Motiejus Valančius himself wrote in his "Letters of Home": this is "one of the most beautiful churches in my diocese."
At the beginning of the 20th century faith in the hearts of people took a significant place. The church was a symbol of communion and trust. Its significance is also based on the meaningful movement of people at that time. After the explosion of Raudondvaris Church by the order of the commander of Kaunas Fort, the prayer house was rebuilt on the old foundations at the initiative of parishioners and pastor Stanislovas Irtmanas according to the project of architect Vaclovas Michnevičius, and in 1938 the construction was sanctified in the name of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus.
In Saint Therese of the Child Jesus Church in Raudondvaris we can admire the values preserved in the old sanctuary: tombstone sculptures "Sleeping Child", "The Lying Lady", as well as the paintings "St. M. Maria the Queen" and "Death of St. Joseph" painted in 1853 by the Italian painter G. Berti, the works of artist A. Sledzinskis, and liturgical supplies.
Just like Saint Therese brought light and faith to people's lives, Saint Therese of the Child Jesus Church, as if a reflection of her life, also grants peace to people and surrounds them with the aura of sacredness.