In Vijūnėlės Park, situated on the southern outskirts of Druskininkai, you may discover everything. Approximately a half of the area is occupied by a pond with a sandy beach, featuring shower cabins, volleyball pitch and a cafe. In a warm season, this route is the favourite of those who adore long walks. Numerous benches outdoors, playgrounds for children, beauty of the outskirts and flower beds to admire attract visitors endlessly.
One of the places throughout the entire Druskininkai, providing much fun to those who enjoy taking photographs, is a sculpture sitting in the centre of the Park and depicting two rams with their foreheads touching. Holiday makers like taking photographs of friends standing with their foreheads rammed to each other.
Bicycle and pedestrian trails in the Park meander approximately 4.5 km and join the path, surrounding Druskonis Lake. We especially suggest that you come to the annual spring festival, held in the Park and titled "Will you come on a date". This will be the time when the Sakura Alley starts to blossom, and the lawns of the Park become full of hundreds of thousands of blooming daffodils.
The origin of the names of the Stream and the Park is interesting. Vytautas Valentukevičius, a historian from Druskininkai region, swears that the word Vijūnėlė does not exist at all, only two different although similar words must be used: Vijūnas or Vijūnėlis. This misunderstanding was caused by the fact that local people are prone to distorting names of places. There are even several legends about Vijūnėlis, a young man who came from abroad. He accidentally fell in love with two sisters extremely alike, who were daughters of Druskis Jonas. That young man could not know who was who. Nevertheless, his feeling for the younger beautiful one was stronger, which was a blow to the father. He forbade meetings of lovers, the young man left for other countries and the young beautiful girl drowned. Probably in the place, which today is known as Meilės sala (Love Island). According to other legends, the pretty maiden has been telling the name of her lover so far. The homestead of her father, Druskis Jonas, became known as Druskonis.