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Pradžios puslapis
Pradžios puslapis landing page overview:!

1. Page sections main page sections (navigation) are:

  • Map - detailed map of places of interest, places to eat, accommodation and tourism services.

  • Destinations - area of Lithuania destinations search and selection. You can filter destinations by Lithuania etnographic regions, cities, small towns and Regional or Nationals parks (protected areas). Selected destination provides a list of places by points of interest, food and accommodation.

  • Routes - all public routes that you can view and copy for your personal use.

2. Search

In search you can:

  • Search places by name or any keyword.
  • Search places by types. Types and Categories are the same that you can find in Filters.
  • Search destinations by name.
  • Search public routes by name.

3. Start new route

Quick link for new route creation.

4. User area

  • My trips - quick link to your profile page. For logged in user only.

  • Log in - log in and sign up for users.

  • Page menu - menu content varies depending on whether the user is logged in or not. The general features of the page are: change the page language, suggest a place, etc. Logged in users here also finds quick links to their profile page. Only logged in users can use the full functionality of

5. Map

Detailed map of places of interest, places to eat, accommodation and tourism services.

6. Start new route

Quick link for new route creation.

7. Randomizer

Randomizer is fun way to explore places when you have no idea where to go. Not all places in the map are included in the random places, but only the most interesting and popular selected by administrators.

Displayed info:!

  1. Random place title and link to place page. Also place address.
  2. Place rating and visited users count.
  3. Next and previous random place navigation.
  4. Place-related functionality: check as visited and rate, save place and add place to route.
  5. Share Randomizer page.
  6. Close Randomizer. landing page overview:!

1. Search

In search you can:

  • Search places by name or any keyword.
  • Search places by types. Types and Categories are the same that you can find in Filters.
  • Search destinations by name.
  • Search public routes by name.

2. Page menu & User area

Menu content varies depending on whether the user is logged in or not. The general features of the page are: change the page language, suggest a place, etc. Logged in users here also finds quick links to their profile page. Only logged in users can use the full functionality of

3. Map

Detailed map of places of interest, places to eat, accommodation and tourism services.

4. Start new route

Quick link for new route creation.

5. Randomizer

  1. Random place title and link to place page. Also place address.
  2. Place rating and visited users count.
  3. Next and previous random place navigation and place-related functionality: check as visited and rate, save place and add place to route.
  4. Back to Landing page (close Randomizer).

6. Quick links for desired places

On mobile devices provide quick links or three main categories of places. You can quickly filter and view the locations you want. Selecting from these categories will open a map and automatically attempt to determine the user's location (GPS). If the location is allowed, the places on the map are listed ordered by distance (nearest).

7. Bottom menu main page sections (navigation) are:

  • Home - quick link to landing page.

  • Map - detailed map of places of interest, places to eat, accommodation and tourism services.

  • My trips - quick link to your profile page. For logged in user only.

  • Routes - all public routes that you can view and copy for your personal use.

  • Destinations - area of Lithuania destinations search and selection. You can filter destinations by Lithuania etnographic regions, cities, small towns and Regional or Nationals parks (protected areas). Selected destination provides a list of places by points of interest, food and accommodation.
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